
Learn to fly Paragliders in Arizona with Enchanted Air Paragliding, LLC., a Professional Air Sports Association (PASA) certified school, providing USHPA Certified instruction and lessons in Paragliding.

Instruction provided in Phoenix year around.

Instruction in Albuquerque, NM upon request during months of May through August. Student must commit to 7 to 14 continuous days.

Intro Paragliding Instruction Program: Cost: $250.00

One half day course which includes equipment. Your day consists of familiarization with equipment, wing and ground control in a comfortable environment. You will experience and understand the process to progress in learning to fly a paraglider.

P-2 Paragliding Instruction Program: Cost: $600.00 plus $175 per session

Course includes equipment (during lessons) and comprehensive ground school materials. Initial $600.00 plus tax includes first 3 lessons. Thereafter each lesson is charged at $175 plus tax. Number of lessons is dependent on students progression towards acquiring skills to achieve USHPA P-2 Rating. Lessons vary from 3-5 hours depending on level of student at time of such lesson. Upon achieving P-2 rating, student is a member in Mentor Program.

P-2 Plus: $5,500.00: Participants in P-2 Instruction Program are eligible for discounted gear package. This gear package includes state of the art gear, specifically chosen for new and progressing pilots, package includes current model EN B (class) wing  (Air Design Vivo2, other models may have a slight up-charge), soaring harness (SupAir Access2 or comparable harness), square reserve (SupAir Fluid) and helmet (Sup Air pilot). This package saves over $500 from purchasing gear separate from the lesson package. (custom wing colors or deviations from standard package options are available at an additional charge)

Towing Instruction: Cost: $250.00 (per day)

An alternative to launching from a hill or mountain (towing instruction included for students in the P-2 program). Towing aloft enables flight when mountain sites are un-flyable or inconvenient. Our custom MPC/440 magnetic particle winch provides smooth tows to over 3000′ AGL. Individualized instruction in towing flight is on a per day basis.

All Courses are Non-Refundable

Mentor Program: No Cost

Graduates of P-2 program are lifetime members of our Mentor Program which provides ongoing supervision and guidance in their development and advancement as competent pilots.

USHPA Ratings:

  • P-1 and P-2 provided through Instruction programs
  • P-3 and P-4 provided by scheduled observation of pilot

Student Textbook

The Beginners Guide

Students in P2 course will receive as part of their training curriculum, a copy of 'Paragliding - The Beginners Guide.

When you’re ready for your course in learning to paraglide, this is the one book you need to help you learn. Paragliding is a doorway into a whole new world of adventure, where you’ll learn to ride the invisible energy of wind and thermic currents to carry you potentially hundreds of miles. But it involves a lifetime of learning, and Paragliding: The Beginner’s Guide is your first stepping stone to access the sport safely.

Paraglider pilot training across the world follows the same basic principles. This book follows the broad teaching curricula of the BHPA (UK), USHPA (USA) and other national paragliding organizations, including Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand

The book has everything you need to know (and lots you didn’t think you did need to know!) to take you from your first thrilling, ground-skimming flights to becoming a qualified pilot and beyond, soaring hills and flying over stunning mountain peaks.

Your First Day

On your first day of instruction, we will meet at the designated location (see event calendar) to fill out paperwork, learn equipment basics, and ground handling (kiting) techniques.

Equipment will be provided for you, but there are a few items you will need to bring to ensure a great orientation to the fantastic sport of Paragliding:

  • High-back hiking or trail shoes that provide good ankle support.
  • Thin gloves similar to those used in biking.
  • Plenty of water!
  • Sunscreen
  • Long Pants
  • A well rested and nourished body - get a good night's sleep the evening before your lesson and don't skip breakfast